Substation Equipments

Isolators / Disconnectors are devices for high voltage systems, used to isolate / disconnect the line from the feeders.

Lightning Arresters
The Lightening Arresters are made of highly non-linear zinc oxide varistor blocks which protect the power equipments from over-voltages and absorb electrical energy resulting from lightening or switching surges while grounding over voltages.

Drop Out Fuse Unit
Drop out fuses work in case of excessive current. The fuse metal breaks in case of over current and protects the transformer.

Vacuum Circuit Breaker
The vaccum circuit breaker is an automatically-operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. The contacts are secured in vaccum bottles to prevent arching.

Substation Clamps & Connectors
Substation clamps are required to connect the high tension lines to other substation equipments.

Solar / Wind Based Products
The Company is engaged in Power Generation by Wind/Solar and Solar based power systems.

Insulated Bus Ducts
High voltage power transmission from within a substation or a building requires a high insulated carrier. The insulated bus ducts are used to carry the high tension wires from one equipment to the other.

Load Break Switches
Load break switches work like the isolator apart from being able to work on-load instead of off-load. These are a better solution as they can be operated without having to switch off the source.

Polymer Insulator
Characterized by small size, light weight, high mechanical strength, no zero value detection, easy installation and less maintenance have become a new generation insulators for high voltage transmission lines.